3 Benefits of Using Decompression Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease


Spinal decompression therapy is a treatment option used for degenerative disc disease (DDD) with the goal of reducing pain and improving function.

But how exactly does it help?

In this blog post, we list out 3 major benefits of using decompression therapy to alleviate pain associated with DDD.
P.S. Our doctors at 1st Choice in New Albany, Indiana have been using spinal decompression treatment for DDD for many years with outstanding success. If you live in Floyd Knobs, Clarksville, Jeffersonville or a nearby area, give us a call to schedule a free consultation!

What is DDD?

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that occurs when the intervertebral discs of the spine deteriorate or break down over time. These discs are soft, gel-like cushions that sit between the vertebrae of the spine, providing flexibility, shock absorption, and support for the spine.

In degenerative disc disease, the discs lose their water content and elasticity, becoming thinner, less flexible, and more prone to damage. This degeneration can lead to various symptoms, including chronic back pain, neck pain, and radiating pain or numbness in the arms or legs if nerves become compressed or irritated due to disc changes. It's important to note that despite its name, degenerative disc disease is not technically a disease but rather a natural part of aging for many people. It is commonly associated with wear and tear on the spine over time, although other factors such as genetics, injury, and lifestyle habits can also contribute to its development.

3 Benefits of Using Spinal Decompression for DDD

No fluff — we’ll get right into it. Here are three benefits of spinal decompression therapy for DDD:

1. Back Pain Relief:
Pain relief is a key benefit that individuals with degenerative disc disease (DDD) seek from spinal decompression therapy. Here's an elaboration on how this therapy may contribute to alleviating pain associated with DDD:

A. Reduction of Disc Pressure:
One of the primary mechanisms by which spinal decompression therapy helps relieve pain is by reducing pressure on the affected intervertebral discs. Degenerative disc disease often involves disc degeneration, which can lead to disc bulging or herniation. These changes can compress nearby spinal nerves, causing pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the back, buttocks, legs, or arms. Spinal decompression therapy gently stretches the spine, creating negative pressure within the discs. This negative pressure can help retract bulging discs and alleviate compression on spinal nerves, thus reducing associated pain symptoms.

B. Release of Endorphins and Improved Blood Flow:
Spinal decompression therapy may stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving hormones produced by the body. These endorphins can help reduce pain sensations and promote a sense of well-being. Additionally, by creating negative pressure within the discs, spinal decompression therapy improves blood flow to the affected area. Increased blood circulation facilitates the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to damaged tissues, which can aid in the healing process and contribute to pain reduction.

C. Relaxation of Muscles and Improved Range of Motion:
Chronic pain associated with degenerative disc disease can lead to muscle tension and stiffness in the surrounding areas of the spine. Spinal decompression therapy can help relax these muscles by relieving pressure on nerves and reducing inflammation. As a result, individuals may experience improved flexibility, mobility, and range of motion, leading to decreased pain during movement and daily activities.

D. Long-term Pain Management:
While spinal decompression therapy may provide immediate pain relief for some individuals, its benefits often extend beyond the treatment session. By addressing the underlying mechanical issues contributing to DDD, such as disc compression and spinal misalignment, this therapy can contribute to long-term pain management. As symptoms improve, individuals may require less reliance on pain medications and other conservative treatments to manage their condition.

2. Improved Disc Health:
When discussing the potential benefits of spinal decompression therapy for degenerative disc disease (DDD), the concept of improved disc health refers to the positive changes that may occur within the intervertebral discs of the spine as a result of this treatment approach. Here's an elaboration on how spinal decompression therapy could contribute to enhanced disc health:

A. Reduced Compression and Improved Disc Nutrition:
Degenerative disc disease often involves the compression and degeneration of spinal discs, leading to decreased hydration, nutrient supply, and overall health of these structures. Spinal decompression therapy works by gently stretching the spine, creating negative pressure within the discs. This negative pressure can help retract bulging or herniated discs and reduce compression on spinal nerves. As pressure decreases, it allows for increased circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs. Improved circulation supports disc hydration and facilitates the delivery of essential nutrients needed for disc health and repair.

B. Stimulation of Healing Processes:
By promoting increased blood flow and nutrient exchange within the discs, spinal decompression therapy may stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This can encourage the repair of damaged disc tissues and promote the regeneration of disc cells. Over time, this may contribute to the restoration of disc height, elasticity, and overall structural integrity.

C. Pain Reduction and Functional Improvement:
When the discs receive adequate nutrition and hydration, and pressure on spinal nerves is relieved, individuals with degenerative disc disease may experience significant pain relief. Reduced pain levels can lead to improved mobility, flexibility, and function. As discomfort decreases, patients may find it easier to engage in rehabilitative exercises and activities that further support spinal health and overall physical well-being.

D. Slowing Down Degeneration:
While spinal decompression therapy may not reverse advanced disc degeneration, it has the potential to slow down the progression of degenerative changes. By addressing the underlying mechanical issues contributing to DDD, such as disc compression and altered spinal biomechanics, this therapy can help mitigate further damage to the discs and surrounding structures.

3. Enhanced Mobility and Function:
Spinal decompression therapy aims to restore normal spinal function by relieving pressure on nerves and improving the space between vertebrae. This can lead to improved mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. By addressing the underlying mechanical issues associated with DDD, spinal decompression therapy may help patients regain functionality and quality of life.

Contact Us Today For Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment In New Albany, Ind. Area Near You!

If you're dealing with the challenges of degenerative disc disease (DDD) and seeking effective and personalized treatment, our chiropractors and medical practitioners at 1st Choice Health & Wellness in New Albany are ready to provide compassionate care. Don't let DDD limit your quality of life—schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards relief. Call us at (812) 945-4500 to arrange your free consultation. We proudly serve patients of all ages throughout Floyd & Clark County, including Jeffersonville, Floyd Knobs, and Clarksville.


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