Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Spring is well underway, winter has receded and the weather keeps improving. Plants and trees are greener and the flowers are blooming. It’s a favorite time of year for gardeners or anyone who loves working out in the yard. If you have a green thumb, this likely describes you. However, as healthy and invigorating as these activities are, they can also include some risk.

Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain | 1st Choice Health & Wellness in New Albany

Tips to Stay Safe

The back, spine, neck, joints, muscles and other soft tissues are at risk of injury if proper health precautions are not followed. Back and muscle pain from gardening injuries can be debilitating. Your New Albany chiropractor recommends the following effective ways to stay healthy and safe while doing yard work this spring and summer:

Stretching and Warming Up

Warming up the muscles and joints ensures they will be prepared for your outdoor activities. Stretching your leg muscles as well as your back, shoulders and arms can make a big difference. Do some light stretching after your gardening session to cool down and reduce the risk of muscle pain and cramps.

Watch Your Form

Proper form during yard work and gardening is also highly important to avoiding injury this spring. Never bend at the waist while planting, weeding or lifting items. Instead, bend at the knees, keeping the spine straight and tracking the joints properly. Never perform tasks from an off balance or twisted position.

Stay Hydrated and Monitor Heat Exposure

Lastly, guard against overheating or becoming dehydrated. Limit sun exposure during the warmest times of day and wear sunscreen and clothing that will shield your skin from overexposure. Drink plenty of water before and while you are gardening.

Contact Our New Albany  Clinic Today

Following these basic precautions can assist you in staying safe while doing yard work during the spring and summer months. However, if you ever sustain an injury to your back, neck or joints and are experiencing related muscle pain, 1st Choice Health & Wellness can connect you with safe, effective chiropractic and physical therapy treatments. We offer physical therapy techniques as well as spinal manipulation for drug-free pain relief and more rapid healing.


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