Does an Air Purifier Get Rid of Household Mold?

Does an Air Purifier Get Rid of Household Mold?

Molds are fungal organisms feeding on food, soil, decaying plants, fabrics and just about anything retaining moisture for more than 12 hours. Mold reproduces rapidly by discharging millions of hardy, microscopic spores. Since these spores can withstand freezing, drying and extreme temperatures, eliminating mold from your home once it has developed can be difficult. In addition, mold spores drifting in the air may cause allergy symptoms and respiratory illnesses. Coughing, runny/congested sinuses, wheezing and breathing problems often affect members of a household with mold issues. Unfortunately, mold tends to develop in dark, moist, warm areas concealed from view. In many cases, you could be suffering severe reactions to mold but think you just have a sinus infection or the flu.

How Austin Air Purifiers Eliminate Mold Spores from Your Home

Austin Air Purifiers available from 1st Choice Health and Wellness cleans your home's air of mold and other harmful particulates by filtering the air and trapping spores in a state-of-the-art carbon filter. Activated carbon filters also eliminate pet dander, pollen, smoke and unwanted odors from your home to give you and your family cleaner, fresher, healthier air to breathe. Once you discover where mold is likely to develop, place an Austin Air purifier near the area to immediately start removing mold spores from the atmosphere.

Preventing Mold in the Home

Make use of humidity gauges and hygrometers (for measuring levels of atmospheric water vapor) to reduce high humidity levels. If your home is at risk for suffering higher than normal humidity levels, consider installing a dehumidifer in addition to an Austin Air purifier. Repairing leaky roofs, improving air circulation in attics and replacing deteriorated gutters are a few things you can do to decrease humidity in your home.

All Austin Air purifiers are designated as Medical Grade Air Purifiers, meaning they comply with standards established by hospitals and other medical centers.

Contact Our Local Office for More Info About Austin Air Purifiers

If you are suffering constant respiratory illnesses and breathing difficulties, you might have a mold problem in your home. Call 1st Choice Health and Wellness today at (812) 945-4500 to learn more about the health benefits of Austin Air purifiers.




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